Discussion on the Visual Experience of UV Light and PP Fog Poster

肆, color visual experience

First, the color reaction

Color perception is a powerful emotion in the visual process because the reaction of color to color is strong and immediate. Colors can be associated, can act as a symbol, can manipulate emotions ..... all kinds of emotions can easily be triggered!
Red is excited and it reveals a high degree of dignity and serious expression.
Green - reminiscent of the natural freshness, comfort, absolute tranquility, dignity ..... It is the calmest of all colors.
Blue - cold and watery, it feels more negative and passive, but it also conveys two conflicting emotions: stimuli and tranquility.
Yellow - happy, gentle, sunny, more active,
Create an active attitude.
White - represents pure and unblemished.
These visual responses to color are all products of additional explanations derived from learning.

Second, the cold and warm, bright and dark in the visual

The two characters "cold" and "warm" have nothing to do with pure hue! It is because the color of the natural world gives people a feeling of temperature change, so that people accumulate experience in the pure hue. "Cold" and "warm" are used to describe color. It is only in the field of temperature sense that it is the strongest and powerful! The nature of color expression can only be best described by using "cold" and "warm". Warm colors - represents the narrowness of closeness, intimacy, and humanity! Cold tone - represents the majesty of distance, deformation, and temperance! (Liang Chunsheng's Art and Appreciation) The amount of light that stimulates our eyes is more or less, causing a visual difference between light and shade, which is lightness and darkness. High-brightness colors seem to be larger and closer, called inflated colors or advancing colors. The lightness of darkness will appear to be smaller, and it will also be backwards. It will be referred to as shrinkage or retrogression. (Lai Yihui's color scheme) Bright and dark colors have a different sense of weight in people's psychological feelings.

Dark colors - producing a sense of legitimacy, dignity, authority, and hardness. Bright colors - it will look light, psychological pressure, easy to get close, relaxed and happy feeling. (Lai Yihui Color Scheme)

Third, the visual communication

Visual language uses visual elements "shape" and "color" as the main vocabulary of visual communication. This kind of mode of transmission originated from the art form, because of the commonality of human visual perception, has become a communication method that conveys the function and communication efficiency more than language. (Wang Qimin's Visual Creative Thinking and Method)

The freedom of creation of posters is more complex in terms of content and form, and their functions are more persuasive and informative. Its "shape" and "color" are highly visually communicateable and can bring people closer to the cognitive gap. The diversification of "shape" and "color" can also make visual communication more vivid and exciting! (to be continued)

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