First aid and treatment of common sports injuries and sports diseases

In sports, it is inevitable that there will be exercise and sports diseases. Once it happens, it will be promptly and correctly treated and treated. The principle of first aid, in the first place to save lives, such as shock caused by fracture pain, should first deal with life-threatening shock and then fix the fracture.

Common exercise operations and emergency treatment methods.

First, shock

Shock is a syndrome caused by acute and effective blood circulation dysfunction.

(1) Reason

There are many reasons for shock during exercise, such as excessive exercise, poor physical condition, severe hemorrhage of the liver and spleen, severe pain of fractures and joint dislocation.

(two) symptoms

In the early days, there are often symptoms such as irritability, irritability, nervous expression, rapid pulse, and shallow and rapid breathing. This is short and easy to ignore. Afterwards, from the excitement period to the flood season, the performance is characterized by lack of energy, pale, thirsty, chills, dizziness, cold sweats, cold limbs, weak pulse rate, decreased blood pressure and body temperature, and severe coma.

(three) first aid

The patient should be quiet and lying flat, keeping warm. For severe patients with heart failure, keep quiet and make it half-sleeping. Can be served with hot food water and beverages, acupuncture or point of sacral bones, Zusanli, Hegu, human acupuncture points; shock caused by severe pain such as fractures, should be given analgesic pain. Shock is a serious and dangerous pathological condition. Therefore, in the case of first aid, you should promptly ask Dong Sheng to handle it or send it to the hospital as soon as possible.

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