The combination of intelligent packaging and the Internet allows e-paper packaging to be “tall”

Following the smart phone tablet PCs and smart bracelets, packaging has become an important part of the Internet and the Internet of Things to further expand in the direction of intelligence. Under this trend, the popularity of electronic paper display technology has opened up new product applications and business models based on the Internet of Things.

The combination of intelligent packaging and the Internet can use cloud storage, cloud computing, big data analysis and other technologies to lead products into intelligent production, and realize automated processes from detection to tracking and intelligent inspection through real-time information collection. New value chain and ecosystem. This model is the current trend of the entire packaging industry by providing personalized demand services and increasing the added value of products, thus building a new business model of the industry chain.

Even in the unfavorable environment where the current integration cost is still high, which brings certain restrictions to widespread use, a large number of examples prove that through the integration of the embedded RFID smart packaging, the function of managing and tracking a single product can be realized, thus providing supply The chain industry brings huge benefits. To this end, EInk has developed a monitor module that monitors the time/temperature and, together with RFID, monitors the environmental temperature changes experienced by the product throughout the supply chain process. The EINK display module provides an irreversible recording of the product's exposure temperature and is displayed on the e-paper screen to enable temperature-sensitive products such as pharmaceuticals, vaccines, medical diagnostic kits, blood, blood products, and intraocular lenses. Monitoring. EInk's time/temperature monitor display module provides instant alert information without the need for an additional reading machine. The display does not require any power consumption and is clearly readable in the sun.

In addition, with the continuous advancement of population aging and the increase in the number of small families, portable consumer spending and smart home medical care have also enabled paper packaging industry companies to gradually develop from the traditional manufacturing enterprises to the “Internet +” direction and carry out business. Transformation, all the way to the O2O model. Freedonia, a well-known market research and research institution in the United States, recently stated in a research report entitled “Active and Intelligent Packaging” that it is estimated that the value of smart packaging in the US will reach US$3.5 billion in 2017. In the next three years, its compound annual growth rate is 8%.

Here, EInk also introduced a smart cartridge electronic paper display module that can be used for drug reminding and automated drug record management. EInk's electronic paper display module can display the last medication time record on the cartridge and automatically indicate the time of the next medication by the display module on the cartridge according to a preset time. The medication records are stored in the built-in memory of the IC card, and the medication records can be transmitted back to the hospital's remote health management system via wireless transmission technology to practice the vision of telemedicine and cloud care.

Finally, intelligent packaging in the marketing section, in order to highlight product customization and differentiated advantages, the use of QRcode and NFC in conjunction with consumers' smartphones to provide virtual interactive marketing content has become a packaging application model that brand owners have gradually adopted. . The purpose is to make the most direct contact between users and brand products through intelligent packaging, and to increase the user's viscosity of brand products.

EInk's reflective, low-power, non-backlit soft electronic ink display technology provides an intuitive information interface for smart packaging. The brand media industry has also provided "new media" business opportunities for seamless integration of product information and advertising content. In addition to realizing a new advertising media profit model centered on user experience, the application of EInk e-paper on smart packaging also provides a new interface channel for news value-added services, further aggregating e-commerce and social media, and enhancing the quality of media delivery and upgrading. Advertising accuracy and effectiveness make it easier for marketers to analyze and target target customers. When advertisers, mobile media, developers, and telecom operators cooperate to operate a platform for buying and selling advertising audiences (traditional advertising directly buys the entire media platform instead of buying specific individual users), the use of physical space product usage data generated by smart packaging will accelerate The development of targeted advertising, personalization, and unitized advertising has set off another wave of consumer-centric advertising revolutions.

(For details, please refer to: )

[Note] China Packaging Information Network is the official website of China Packaging News and China Packaging Industry Magazine.

Contact: Gu Yingyi Mobile Phone

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