"Invisible bra" to make your chest natural and full

"Natural bra" is the fitness effect pursued by female friends in recent years. The so-called natural bra is able to make the chest become natural and straight through fitness and exercise, so as to get rid of the bra shield and have a natural and healthy chest. According to a US study, relying on a few simple actions can make a woman's chest become tall and natural.


This set of aerobics is a physical trainer, fitness trainer Elizabeth Bradley Cerro invention, can help women get rid of shaping bra, with natural, healthy breasts. It is reported that this set of aerobics is divided into 10 sections. And you only need two 3 to 5 pound dumbbells and a balance ball to exercise.

   First quarter

   Pick up two dumbbells in each hand, one foot in front, one foot in the back, the knees slightly bent; open arms, palms forward, lift the dumbbells to the same height as the shoulders; then both hands make punches Actions.

   Second quarter

   Hold a dumbbell on each hand and lie on a yoga mat or balance ball; stretch your legs forward and bend your knees, bend your knees 90 degrees to the ground; keep this position, lift the dumbbell up first, then let go, you will Lift the dumbbell to the same height as the chest, and keep the chest straight, with the palm facing the wall behind you; turn the wrist and push the palm forward, open your arms, and lift the dumbbell to the same height as the chest.


   Third quarter

   Hold the palm and make a push-up position. Note: The size of the hands should be larger than the shoulder width, and the body should be in a straight line; bend the elbow, then restore the right shoulder with your left hand and then use your right hand to leave the ground. Pat your left shoulder.

   Fourth quarter

   Take a dumbbell with both hands, palms up, feet open, knees bent slightly; then open arms, lift the dumbbells up; finally put your dumbbells down to the initial position.

   Section 5

   Put a dumbbell on each hand and lie on a yoga mat or balance ball, bend your knees, knees at a 90-degree angle to the ground, and then keep your hips and knees in a straight line; keep this position and lift the dumbbells over your chest. The right arm continues to lift; turn the wrist, let the palms rush to themselves, lift the right arm back to the initial position; finally lift the left arm and do the same.


   Section VI

   Hold the palm of your hand and make a push-up position. Keep your body in a straight line and keep your feet open. Lift your left arm and step your right foot to the right. Then lift your right arm and take your left foot to the left. Finally, the body will be lifted. Return to the original position.

   Section VII

   Put a dumbbell on each hand and lie on the balance ball or yoga mat, bend your knees; open your arms with your palms facing up, lift the dumbbells above your chest and close your arms; finally open your arms and lift the dumbbells above your chest again.

   Section VIII

   Hold your hands on the chair with your palms forward, face forward, legs close together; bend your elbows, sit down, and then stretch your arms to the initial position.

   Section IX

   The palm of the hand supports the ground, and the body is in a straight line; lift the left arm and then stretch it out, and then lift the right arm and repeat the same action for a while.

   Section X

   First, kneel on the yoga mat, stretch your arms and push your chest up to the ground; finally relax and return your body to its original state.

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