Moon cakes do not talk about packaging to start talking about concepts

Moon cakes are traditional snacks for the Mid-Autumn Festival. In the past, everybody was courteous and sought for face, and moon cakes that were beautifully packaged in an endless stream; later, Wuren’s moon cake unexpectedly became the “worst” mooncake filling in the eyes of netizens, and various chocolate fillings, The moon cakes filled with ice cream and greens were born. Today, the moon cakes are covered with concept packs, and nutrition, health care, beauty and beauty are not lost.

After the government introduced the mooncake packaging regulations and cracked down on the luxury trend, the “high price moon cake” became a street rat and was gradually replaced by a cheaper moon cake. Although the sales volume was still decent, the profits of the business were affected and they were eager to find new growth points. With the development of society and economy, people’s health awareness has been gradually strengthened. More and more people are pursuing green and healthy foods, and are also willing to pay higher prices for health. “Nutrient moon cakes” that are nourished by health are born.

Most of these so-called “nutritional moon cakes” are supplemented with “spiral spirulina,” “ginseng,” “bird's nest,” “abalone,” and “shark fin.” Although they are traditional nourishing nutrients, they have not been labeled with specific content. . In a small moon cake, fillings such as flour, cooking oil, eggs, and sugar occupy a large proportion, and one can imagine how many of these nutrients can be. Even if spirulina, American ginseng, and bird's nest have nourishing effects on the human body, if the content of the ingredients is too low, for the consumers, the moon cakes will not be able to eat a few pieces. It is also better than nothing, and it is difficult to achieve the effect of health care and health.

"Healthy moon cakes" was originally a hype of the concept of a business. Experts have already made it very clear that no matter what kind of health care banner they play, they cannot change the "three high" nature of high sugar, high fat, and high calories. Obviously, "healthy moon cakes" are not at all related to health. Instead, they will mislead some consumers who are not suitable for eating moon cakes because of their health and nourishment. This is not only a waste of money, but also affects the health of the body. It is not worthwhile.

Moon cakes are just ordinary traditional foods. No matter what you wear, you can't change the truth. As for the industry managers, they must also promptly uncover the true face of "health-giving moon cakes", clean up and rectify them in accordance with the law, curb malicious speculation, exaggerate publicity, and fool consumers.

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