The instructions for use are inconsistent with the standard of the furniture industry.

The limit of formaldehyde emission in domestic furniture raw materials and decorative materials should reach E1 level, that is, the formaldehyde emission should not exceed 1.5 mg/L. The internationally accepted standard is the E0 standard, which requires that the amount of formaldehyde released does not exceed 0.5 mg / liter.

使用说明形同虚设 家具业部分标准令人忧

The instructions for use are inconsistent with the standard of the furniture industry.

Da Vinci furniture is suspected of fraud is playing a lot of "hidden rules" in the domestic furniture industry, the national standard is the same. Zhang Yucheng, a visiting professor at the Department of Wood Science at Tianjin University of Science and Technology, said that there are currently two major problems in the furniture industry. The instructions for use are ineffective and the standards are too low. Just as the milk national standard is too low in the past, the furniture industry also has too low standards. Zhang Yucheng admits that many standards in the furniture industry have been set too low. "For example, the standard for formaldehyde in wooden furniture materials is three times lower than the international standard."

“Because Chinese furniture companies are all technically difficult to meet international standards, the state and industry associations have taken into account the development of the industry and temporarily lowered the industry standards.” Zhang Yucheng lamented.

In addition to the low industry standards, the product manual for the furniture industry is virtually ineffective. The "Guidelines for the Use of Consumer Goods, Part VI: Furniture" promulgated by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China clearly stipulates that the furniture sold must have instructions for use (labels, signs, instructions for use), and the instructions for use must clearly state the environmental conditions applicable to the furniture. According to the characteristics and needs of the furniture, indicate the structure, materials used, performance, type, specifications, environmental indicators must be clearly stated.

However, the implementation of this standard in China is not in place. Zhang Yucheng even said frankly: "There is no one in the market." According to a survey conducted by a university in Tianjin, the current furniture market mainly has the following problems: product specifications and instruction manuals for furniture are not provided. The product manual and the contents of the instruction manual do not meet the requirements stipulated by the state; the physical raw materials do not conform to the description of the manual.

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