Folk acne remedies and acne say goodbye

Everyone wants to have smooth and flawless skin, but acne acne always loves to mess, so acne has become a big concern for men, women and children. Today, Xiaobian has collected 7 simple and effective folk acne remedies for you, so that you can easily get rid of acne acne.

Folk acne remedies and acne say goodbye

Partial One: Honey Acne

Honey has good moisturizing and antibacterial function. Before going to sleep, take a small amount of honey and place it on the acne area. Then put it on Bondi to sleep, and the next day, you will be surprised to find that the acne has gone down.

Comments: Honey can be antibacterial, the best antibacterial effect is propolis, especially suitable for oily or freckle skin. The moisturizing touch of honey also makes the skin smoother and more delicate.

Folk acne remedies and acne say goodbye

Recipe 2: yogurt acne

Drip the leftover yogurt into a small amount of pearl powder prepared, spread it and apply it to the place with acne marks. You can go to sleep directly, and wash it off the next day.

Comments: This method is very simple, suitable for home acne, but the effect is not so fast, you need to stick to it for a long time.

Folk acne remedies and acne say goodbye

Recipe three: garlic acne

This method is super simple. Just cut a piece of garlic into two halves and gently apply it on the acne to let the juice infiltrate around the acne, provided that you can tolerate the smell of garlic, and the acne is not broken.

Comments: Garlic has a strong bactericidal effect, it has an inhibitory effect on inflamed acne, but it is highly irritating and is not recommended for full face use.

Folk acne remedies and acne say goodbye

Remedy four: potato chips acne

Peel the potatoes and slice them on the acne. After the initial coolness disappears, replace the new potato slices. After three times, the swelling and pain of the acne can be significantly reduced. This method can also play a role in anti-inflammatory and swelling.

Comments: Potato has anti-inflammatory, blood circulation, swelling and stomach tone, benefit Qi and spleen, strengthen the body and kidney, etc. It contains more trace elements and minerals than normal food, is a good thing for nutrition and health care. .

Folk acne remedies and acne say goodbye

Part Five: Chamomile Acne

Buy some chamomile for tea, pour the chamomile tea in a large bowl, then pour hot water, bring your face close to the bowl, make the steam fully contact the facial skin, and use the fumigation method to acne.

Comments: Chamomile hydrocarbon in chamomile is a high-grade anti-inflammatory ingredient that soothes dry and itchy skin and moisturizes hair. Chamomile ingredients are found in anti-allergic skin care products.

Folk acne remedies and acne say goodbye

Partial Six: Carrot Acne

Cook the carrots, wrap them in a clean gauze, then pour them into a paste. Finally, apply them to the place where the acne is present or simply cover the entire face and do it 2-3 times a day. This method can usually be cured in two or three days.

Comments: This acne recipe is very easy to find, but the process of tanning is more complicated. It is necessary to cook and squeeze it, but it will be true soon.

Folk acne remedies and acne say goodbye

Folk recipe seven: cabbage mask acne

Cabbage is cheap and easy to use as a mask. Wash the whole leaf on a clean cutting board, gently squeeze it with a small rolling pin or a bottle, and stick it on your face.

Comments: Cabbage is rich in vitamin C and water, its leaf meridians can also remove oil, has a unique heat-clearing and detoxifying, whitening effect. However, sensitive skin should be used with caution because it contains sulfur. >>>Step by step to effectively whiten

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