Packaging machinery and equipment maintenance work procedures and precautions

[China Packaging Network] Several routines for daily maintenance of packaging machinery and equipment are necessary. They are the cleaning, fastening, adjustment, lubrication and corrosion protection of the equipment. In the ordinary production process, the machine maintenance personnel should: According to the maintenance manuals and maintenance rules of the machine packaging equipment, strictly perform the maintenance work according to the specified cycle, reduce the wear rate of parts, eliminate the hidden troubles and extend the machine. The service life.

Packaging machinery and equipment maintenance work: routine maintenance, regular maintenance and special maintenance. Regular maintenance can be divided into three levels of primary maintenance, secondary maintenance and tertiary maintenance. Special maintenance can be divided into seasonal maintenance and decommissioning maintenance. The following article will introduce specific procedures and precautions for these types of maintenance work.

The routine maintenance of packaging machinery and equipment is centered on cleaning, lubrication, inspection and fastening. Routine maintenance is required during and after the work of the machine.

Level 1 maintenance work is carried out on a routine maintenance basis. The key work content is to lubricate, tighten and inspect the relevant parts and their cleaning work.

Secondary maintenance work focuses on inspections and adjustments. Specifically check the engine, clutch, transmission, transmission components, steering and brake components.

The three-level maintenance focus is to detect, adjust, eliminate hidden troubles and balance the wear of various components. It is necessary to perform diagnostic tests and status checks on the parts that affect the performance of the equipment and the parts that have symptoms, and then perform necessary replacements, adjustments, and troubleshooting.

Seasonal maintenance means that the packaging machinery and equipment should focus on the power system (engine), transmission system (screw shaft and belt conveyor), air pressure system (check the lubrication and sealing of the air compressor), and control system before the summer and winter. (The inspection and repair of U-Tec's electromechanical control cabinets, this part needs to be completed under the guidance of the customer's after-sales engineers) Testing and repair of other components.

Discontinued maintenance means that when the packaging machinery and equipment needs to be deactivated for a certain period of time due to seasonal factors (such as the winter break), it should do a good job of cleaning, cosmetic, matching, moisture-proof and anti-corrosion work.