Anti-hole strategy, completely shrink pores

With the daily metabolism of the human body, the skin constantly generates new cells, and at the same time, it constantly eliminates the dead cell metabolites. When the old keratin accumulates too much and can't be removed in time, it will make the skin thicker, rougher and the pores become thicker. So, what can we do to shrink the pores ?

Anti-hole strategy:

1. Clean your face with a hot towel before cleaning

Closed pores are not good for cleaning, and hot air can fully open the pores, making it easier for us to clean.

2. Use a cotton pad dipped in makeup remover to wipe the skin from bottom to top.

Since the hair of the facial skin is grown downward, the bottom-up cleaning method can completely remove the cosmetic residue hidden in the roots of the hair, and has a good makeup remover effect.

3, cleansing products should pull out enough foam

Use a cleansing lotion to remove the rich foam and wash away the dirt and oil on the skin surface. Remember to be gentle, don't let your palm rub directly on your face.

4, the t-word area should be fully 揉搓

The t-zone is the most vigorous area of ​​facial oil secretion, and it must be especially careful for the cleaning of the t-zone. Especially for the nose, nose and other parts, it is necessary to fully massage.

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