2014 college entrance examination against essential home products

The college entrance examination is an absolutely important event in the life of the majority of candidates and parents. In 2014, the college entrance examination is coming, how to prepare adequately before the exam, so that parents and children can confidently go to the examination room and take high What about? Here, fans of furniture have organized some essential artifacts for the college entrance examination.

In the previous section, we introduced the 2014 high school entrance examination, and the college entrance examination decompression mattress was exquisite, and the college entrance examination was easy to prepare for the college entrance examination. Today, let’s talk about what we have to prepare for the college entrance examination. In addition to having a good preparation mood, a reasonable pre-test diet and health care, we must also prepare something that will help the candidates to fully exert their level.

Good horses are equipped with a good saddle. In addition to preparing comfortable desk chairs for the college entrance examination students, parents can also have a cushion or cushion so that they can relieve the body pressure and relax the body.

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Students in the college entrance examination can prepare a small file bag before the exam.

If we play back the interesting things that happen every year at the entrance of the college entrance examination, it must be very attractive: forget to take the admission ticket and rush to make a phone call, forget to run the store with the pen, look late for the time, parents take a taxi Sending things and so on constitute a scene of the entrance to the examination room. The emergence of these situations indicates that the candidate's preparation work is not sufficient, and its influence will distract and cause psychological tension.

This reminds us of the procedure for the doctor to perform the operation: all the surgical instruments are numbered uniformly, and they are taken in the same way when they are used. When the suture is finished at the end of the operation, the last check is done, and it is foolproof. This gives us a revelation that a small bag or a small file bag should be prepared for the college entrance examination.

There should be a few things in the small file bag: the admission ticket, a few pens, especially pencils, knives, erasers, rulers, a few sheets of paper, a small amount of cash and a few pieces of commonly used drugs. These things are a must, and you have to clean them up before going out.

There are a few things that should be carefully checked: whether the pencil has been cut, it is easy to fill the answer sheet, whether the timer battery has electricity, whether the headache or diarrhea medicine is invalid, etc., because these things will come in handy when it is critical.

In addition, you should tell the candidates that after each exam, you should also check the small file bag and take it away in time for the next exam.

In addition, candidates should also pay attention to eye hygiene, so that the eyes should not be overworked, so that they can better play their proper level in the examination room. Therefore, parents can choose eye protection table lamps for students to protect their vision.

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How do you choose a pen before the college entrance examination?

What should be emphasized here is that many provincial and municipal college entrance examinations now carry out online scoring, and the unified request for a black signature pen is no choice! If you do not have an online review, please refer to the following comments:

The teacher repeatedly emphasized the cleanliness of the face during the pre-examination counseling, and the words should be well written, but due to individual differences, some candidates are difficult to do. In fact, whether a test paper is beautiful or not is closely related to the pen used in the examination.

We will choose three types of pens, one is a ballpoint pen, the other is a neutral pen, and the third is a pen. Of course, you can't use a red pen.

Which one of these three types of pens to choose? According to the habits of each person. In today's college entrance examination, most people choose a neutral pen.

One of the main problems of the ball pen is that it is difficult to write with less heavy oil, and it is easy to leak oil with heavy oil, which makes the roll surface unclean. Another problem is that it takes too long to hold the pen. Of course, except for good quality. The neutral pen is written smoothly, and the pen position can be exchanged at any time. It is not too tired to hold the pen for a long time. The words written by the pen are more beautiful and smooth, but the ink is easy to leak. It is more troublesome to absorb ink when there is no water in the test. Most of the students nowadays do not need pens, so there are not many people who choose pens.

Regardless of which pen you choose, you should pay attention to the following three points:

(1) The quality of the pen must be checked before the exam, and all pens must be tried. One year, one candidate can't write two new pens during the Chinese exam, causing emotional stress and affecting the exam.

(2) The color of the pen is proposed in blue. Because the test paper is black on a white background, the blue scroll is used to answer, and the whole surface is very clean. Of course, black pens can do the same, but not too thick.

(3) Take a few more pens to prevent a pen from suddenly “strikeing”. Also bring a pencil, add an auxiliary line or use a draft. For example, the pencil used to answer the question card must be of the type specified in the book, and must be purchased at a large store to prevent the use of fakes. If there is a problem when the computer is scrutinizing because of using the wrong pen, the unlucky one is the candidate himself.

Student college entrance examination diet essential

During the college entrance examination, the students review the task is heavy, the brain is in a state of high tension, the body energy consumption is too much, the appetite is often poor, coupled with the disorder of life, the body's resistance to disease is reduced, it is easy to get sick. Therefore, arranging the diet and nutrition at this stage is extremely important to ensure the health of the candidates and keep the brain in good condition.

Brain supplementation is a top priority. Experts say that the brain can't be "caught" before the exam, and it is enough to adjust the diet and eat more vegetables and light food. And before the exam, don't eat too much sugary things, otherwise it will only be counterproductive.

Precautions for pre-test diet: Five pre-test diets before the college entrance examination

Five bogeys:

1, before the test recipes bogey change.

2, the diet is the most important to reduce the staple food.

3, eat chicken bogey skin.

4, coffee will lead to frequent urination, the college entrance examination should not be avoided.

5, snacks avoid the selection of nuts.

Second should:

1. Eat 2 fruits every day.

2, anorexia should use the "sheep grazing" method.

Pre-test diet "three needs":

1, need to drink more water

2, need to eat more fruits and vegetables

3, need to eat less meals

Three major mistakes in the "College Entrance Examination":

Misunderstanding 1: Big fish and big meat serve

Myth 2: Recipes have changed face

Misunderstanding 3: The most nutritious supplement

People experience: the key moment can not be soft

In addition to paying attention to the diet, parents can also prepare a thermos cup for the candidates on weekdays. The benefits of drinking warm water are definitely better than the various drinks, and the burden on the body is small.

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1. Do not eat low-sugar and diuretic fruits before breakfast. You should eat bananas and peaches with high potassium content; drink more glucose water or eat a piece of chocolate, which can increase calories and help improve students' attention and memory. And strengthen the excitement.

2, after a test, drink some salt water to promote digestive juice secretion and gastrointestinal motility.

3, the best meal "less food and more meals", to light, do not eat too full, otherwise it will make the brain insufficient blood supply, easy to cause fatigue.

4, half an hour after a meal should eat some fruit to supplement potassium and sodium

Do not rush to fill the college entrance examination candidates before the college entrance examination to buy three major attention

"I thought that after playing a few, you can enhance your physical fitness and increase the amount of albumin in your body. You can test your scores." Yan Jiancun told reporters that all parents who buy albumin are trying to increase their nutrition. "Actually, human albumin is a drug." In the case of high-dose infusion, several physiologically active substances in albumin preparations, such as trace amounts of endotoxin and kallikrein, may cause circulatory disturbances such as blood pressure drop and shock, and even cause the decline of immune function.

Misunderstanding 1: blindly buy three no or quality unqualified health products

The most important thing for health care products is quality. Many parents often listen to street vendors and ancestral secrets to buy some “health products” without quality assurance. This is harmful.

Misunderstanding 2: Wrong medical means as a means of health care

Director Wang Lixiang of the Emergency Department of the Armed Police General Hospital reminded: For normal people, there is no special therapeutic effect on oxygen in theory. Intravenous infusion of amino acids and albumin is mainly for people with weak constitution and malnutrition, which is unnecessary for normal candidates.

Myth 3: All candidates need health supplements

Zhang Hanhong, chief physician of Hainan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said in an interview that Chinese medicine practitioners pay attention to the supplements and do not make up for it. If they do not make up for the candidates, they will not make up for it. If the parents give the candidates blindly tonic, the candidates will have an imbalance of yin and yang, and the child will have dizziness and dreams. Disgusting and other symptoms.

Note 1: In the current health care products, there are quite a few products whose functions are not listed in the 22 functions announced by the Ministry of Health, so they are all included in the list of “anti-fatigue” products. This includes products that treat sexual dysfunction. The fatigue resistance of such products is not the fatigue of the candidates. If the candidates take it carelessly, it may cause improper consequences such as precocious puberty. Most of the products produced after 1998 are not suitable for children, but the products produced before are not specified, so the products for anti-fatigue should be carefully identified. Buy health care products look for signs.

Note 2: The role of health products is to improve sub-health status, it is not a drug, no treatment. For example, candidates before the college entrance examination, long time review homework, easy to cause visual fatigue, cause headache, you need nerve conduction medium; sitting for a long time to read books do not exercise, the brain is prone to lack of oxygen, so some anti-hypoxia health products, fish oil, containing Products such as DHA and brain-enhancing products can play a certain role of improvement and reconciliation.

Note 3: When purchasing health care products, you need to look for the small blue hat logo of the health care products and the food and health health name of the Ministry of Health, in order to prevent the purchase of counterfeit and shoddy products. Some local health products, such as "X food and health special", such products are not recognized by the Ministry of Health health products.

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Expert: Three sets of healthy recipes for college entrance examination students

Recipe one:

Breakfast: a cup of milk, one egg, one loaf of bread, one salad of vegetables.

Chinese food: rice 2 to 3 two, chestnut roast chicken, thousand knots of roast meat, fried loofah, seaweed egg soup.

Dinner: rice or noodles 2 to 3 two, meat tofu, mushrooms, cabbage, melon kelp shrimp soup.

Further reading: 2014 college entrance examination to promote health care products market crazy business collusion school flicker parents

Recipe 2:

Breakfast: a cup of soy milk, a pancake, a bowl of cereal, a slice of fruit.

Chinese food: 2 to 3 two red bean rice, colorful shrimp, clear stewed pigeons, three fresh tofu.

Dinner: noodles 2 to 3 two, pineapple fried duck slices, assorted scrambled eggs.

Recipe three:

Breakfast: a bowl of polenta, a scorpion, a bowl of tofu brain, a salad of fruit.

Chinese food: fried fish fillets, steamed chicken, cold cucumber, borscht.

Dinner: dumplings or clams.

Related reading: How is the study of the students of the 2014 college entrance examination students arranged?

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