Kodak Prinergy Workflow System Version 5.0 Integrates Digital and Traditional Workflows Efficiently

Germany, Düsseldorf, Kodak Prinergy Workflow System Version 5.0 has a series of new features and functions that provide the performance, quality and automation needed to fully integrate traditional and digital printing equipment.

The Prinergy 5.0 system allows users to handle static and variable data printing (VDP) jobs through the same workflow, manage end-to-end color printing on multiple devices, and automate complex routines in print production workflows.

"Kodak understands that it is a daunting challenge to provide a digital printing and workflow production system that requires no operator-wide monitoring, but also mass production in a shorter period of time, and brings profits." Minneapolis Patrick Stuart, Director of Technical Marketing at TheBureau, a business and POP printing company. "The Prinergy 5.0 system can guide the printer's entire workflow, automate task processing, and connect to existing systems using industry-standard JDF specifications."

Efficient digital workflow

The digital print management capabilities added to the Prinergy 5.0 system not only provide enhanced connectivity and access to digital devices, but also empower digital applications with the power and flexibility of a production workflow system. This is a first initiative. For the first time, there is a workflow that can effectively combine traditional and digital printing to manage multiple devices. This not only improves performance and productivity, but also improves work efficiency and utilization of printing equipment.

Managing digital jobs requires the use of a large number of automated operations and intelligent job processing. The Prinergy 5.0 system's new Smart List feature allows presses to easily and quickly schedule job queues based on important production conditions such as paper type, cut-off date, expected print time, and customer information.

For example, with a smart list, the press can quickly assign all the specific paper type jobs that need to be delivered at a time to the device. Digital devices and smart lists can be added quickly and easily, providing flexible and scalable optimization tools for a large number of digital print jobs that run fewer times. The digital connectivity of the Prinergy 5.0 system provides a powerful open JDF specification interface for accessing device status, loaded media, online finishing options, and available ink. With the KODAKINSITE Storefront system, Prinergy 5.0 system can provide a highly automated and comprehensive solution to help printers increase productivity and production speed, reduce operating costs and provide centralized control of traditional and digital printing devices.

Innovative color control

Effectively establishing and maintaining accurate and repeatable color printing costs for printing presses is the key to meeting print customer expectations. The new Prinergy 5.0 system color processing platform offers the following features to reduce costs by offering color printing based on an innovative device-based solution:
"Help ensure the correct use of color control elements such as calibration curves, ICC profiles, and spot color schemes" Reduces the number of impressions required to determine accurate colors "Reduces the need for extensive training for prepress operators" Simpler to use FOGRA Color standards such as SWoP and GRACoL.

The Prinergy 5.0 system simplifies the process of controlling colors in the workflow by using device-based color processing to map color parameters such as ICC profiles, calibration curves, and color matching. If the conditions on the device change, the Prinergy 5.0 system tracks the changes and then automatically applies the new settings to the job. Now, the allocation of color specifications can be performed more quickly and accurately, reducing errors and providing operators with the need for extensive color printing training. The new Prinergy 5.0 system color processing platform helps ensure industry-standard printing specifications and conditions such as FOGRA, SWoP and GRACoL can be quickly integrated while avoiding mistakes.

Intelligent automation

The rule-based JDF drive automation used by the Prinergy 5.0 system is more powerful and can further enhance the automation of production workflows. Prinergy 5.0 system rules-based automation features use conditions and logic to automatically process jobs, saving valuable production time. The Prinergy 5.0 system uses the JDF information attached to each job throughout the production process to make intelligent decisions about processing, imposition, and output files.

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