Grasping the psychology of consumers is a key issue for excellent packaging design

[Chinese Packaging Network News] People's psychology is often the most elusive, but also very subtle, so when the purchase behavior, everyone's views are even more different. At the time of packaging design, as designers, we should learn more about the market and be able to design packaging designs that are more satisfying to the eye of consumers and achieve packaging design.

(1) Attention is the first factor that enhances the packaging effect. Attention is a feature of people's understanding of the process of psychological activity, and it is the orientation and concentration of people's understanding of things. Phenomenon is not a kind of independent psychological process, people will show the characteristics of attention when they are perceiving, remembering or thinking. Analyze from psychology, a packaging design wants consumers to pay attention to and understand, comprehend, and form a solid memory. It is the text, color, graphics, sound, etc. in the packaging of eyes, ears and sensory organs. The novelty of conditions is inseparable.

In people's visual cognition activities, they are not passively stimulated by objective stimuli. Instead, it is conducted under the interaction of objective stimuli and human subjective internal psychological factors. The text, picture, color, and shape of commodity packaging are irritants to consumers as a "visual element." These stimulants must have certain novelty characteristics to attract consumers' attention.

(2) Emotion and association. It's not too difficult for designers to be eye-catching for packaging, but to be unique and to reflect the cultural connotation and contribution points (requirements) of the product is the most critical in the design process.

In the product packaging design element, the color impact is the strongest. The colors used in the packaging of goods will create associations, induce emotions, and change the purchasing psychology. However, using colors to stimulate people's emotions should follow certain rules. Psychological studies believe that when drawing food packaging, do not use blue or green color. The use of orange or orange is reminiscent of bumper harvests and maturation, which leads to the purchase of food by the appetite of customers. Just as in our real life, consumers buy supplement products, and most of them are satisfied with the packaging of large-area warm-colored products. And for cleaning products, the cold-colored packaging is more excited. This is both the subjective cause of the commodity and the emotional association of consumers.

(3) Successful commodity packaging can not only cause consumers' emotions and associations, but also make consumers “remember”.

Psychology thinks that memory is a reappearance of what people have experienced in the past. Memory is an important part of the process of psychological understanding. The basic process includes memorization, retention, recall, and recognition. Among them, remembering and keeping is the premise; recall and recognition are the result. Only by remembering and keeping firmly, memories and recognition can be achieved.

Grasping the consumer's psychology is a key issue for an excellent packaging design.